Inkjet Microarray Applications

DNA & RNA Microarray Screening

Discover, research, develop, manufacture


High-throughput screening of nucleic acids

DNA microarrays have been a core tool for analysing gene expression for almost 30 years. Our inkjet microarrayers print nucleic acid (NA) libraries with ultra-high levels of precision and up to 100x faster than traditional pin-spotting systems.

Ideal for researchers working on:

  • Whole genome and targeted genotyping
  • Single cell and spatial transcriptomics
  • Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis

We print oligos and complete genes, and NA formats including DNA, siRNA, and liposome encapsulated DNA. The platform is compatible with all surface chemistries including epoxy, aldehyde, and NHS. We also supply ready-to-use protocols for high quality immobilisation on slides, microplates, or custom substrates.  

Increase your Research throughput

The Inkjet Advantage

High-density inkjet microarrays have excellent spot morphology and consistency and are produced with unrivalled speed.

High Density

Print up to 100,000 features on a slide in neat, evenly spaced grids.

High Quality

Consistent spot morphology with homogenous sample immobilisation and low %CV’s.


Automated plate loading and large batch sizes of up to 1000 printed slides or 200 microplates.

Instruments and services are delivered from our ISO 13485:2016 controlled manufacturing facility.

Arrayjet's Mercury Microarray Inkjet Printer


Mercury for DNA/RNA Screening

Combine the world-class printing of a Mercury instrument with optimised protocols, proprietary reagents, and an auto-loading microarray scanner in this tailored platform for high-throughput genomic discovery.


Outsource to our
Arrayjet Advance™ Team

Access our microarray application expertise and the fastest, most versatile microarray printers, when you outsource your development and manufacturing projects to us.

ArrayPlex™ Spot-On-Spot Microarrays

Arrayjet’s unique inkjet approach to bioprinting allowed us to develop ArrayPlex™ – our patented microarray platform. With ArrayPlex™ we can create multi-layered microarrays, allowing two libraries to be screened against each other. This takes throughput to the next level, generating millions of data points each week.

ArrayPlex™ is compatible with all sample types and detects hits at an equal or higher sensitivity to ELISA.

“Transfer to Arrayjet technology has had huge benefits for our cancer research and biomarker discovery.  Our team can now produce 100 slides in a working day, using just 1 µg of cDNA per gene of interest. The automated process enables us to focus fully on our research knowing arrays will be printed reliably and reproducibly every time.”

Manuel Fuentes, Cancer Investigation Centre

Let's work together


Our scientists will work to understand your needs and deliver a microarray solution for you. If you have an idea for a project – we’re excited to hear it.