
Seromics: Decoding the Antibody Fingerprint

For this webinar, our guest speaker was Tyler Hulett, PhD, Head of Biomarker Development at CDI Laboratories. CDI is well-known for developing HuProt™ – the largest protein microarray in the world – powered by Arrayjet technology.

Learning Objectives

Each individual carries a ‘fingerprint’ of antibodies that describes a lifetime of immune experiences to foods, allergens, viruses, the microbiome, and other exposures. This fingerprint is exceptionally unique to each individual and can remain stable for decades – but what does it mean?

This talk discusses the potential importance of anti-viral and autoantibody seromics technologies – what we already know about the antibody fingerprint – and what we still don’t know – using example data from SARS-CoV-2, cancer, and autoimmune patients.

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