
Screening correctly-folded GPCRs and other important targets using membrane-embedded protein arrays.


Virion Membrane Display (VirD™) microarrays from CDI Laboratories allow high-throughput screening against functional human membrane proteins.

CDI Laboratories is a long-time partner of Arrayjet with an extensive history in protein arrays. They’ve produced their highly impactful HuProt™ Human Proteome Array with Arrayjet printers since 2016. With their newest platform, they focus on membrane proteins.

Many therapeutically relevant proteins are membrane proteins, which can be difficult to express in a functional conformation for laboratory research. CDI’s new Virion Membrane Display (VirD™) platform can produce panels of these proteins that retain proper folding and biochemical activity (Syu et al. 2019).

“We’re excited to present VirD™ as a new option for screening ligands and binders against difficult, drug-relevant targets such as GPCRs, immune checkpoints, and neuronal receptors. The precision of the Arrayjet microarrayers help us print the highest quality microarrays.”

Scott D. Paschke, Vice President at CDI Laboratories
Overview of VirD validation and production.
VirD™ Validation and Production. Image courtesy of CDI Laboratories. Click to expand.

In VirD™, human cells are infected with engineered HSV virions, which leverage the host expression system to display a natively folded membrane protein on the viral envelope.

Arrayjet microarrayers are used to print successfully transfected virions into an array for convenient screening. The current VirD™ v2.0 GPCR Array contains 259 non-odorant GPCR proteins and 97 miscellaneous (non-GPCR) membrane proteins. In future, a comprehensive array of 6000+ membrane proteins may be possible.

“We have seen growing interest in the study of transmembrane proteins and CDI’s new VirD™ array will be game changing, as it harnesses the power of array-based screening to integrate this high-impact protein family. I look forward to the exciting new biology they will discover.“

Adam Buckle, CSO at Arrayjet

“It’s always a pleasure to see the innovations from our community of instrument users. With this platform CDI is addressing an important research challenge and we’re delighted to continue to support them.”

Iain McWilliam, CEO at Arrayjet

Visit CDI’s website to learn more about VirD™ array specifications, assay method, and analysis »

More from CDI and Arrayjet
VirD™ Publications

S. Hu, Y. Feng, B. Henson, B. Wang, X. Huang, M. Li, P. Desai, H. Zhu, VirD: A Virion Display Array for Profiling Functional Membrane Proteins, Anal. Chem. 85 (2013) 8046–8054.

G.-D. Syu, S.-C. Wang, G. Ma, S. Liu, D. Pearce, A. Prakash, B. Henson, L.-C. Weng, D. Ghosh, P. Ramos, D. Eichinger, I. Pino, X. Dong, J. Xiao, S. Wang, N. Tao, K.S. Kim, P.J. Desai, H. Zhu, Development and application of a high-content virion display human GPCR array, Nat Commun. 10 (2019) 1997.


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